
Top tips to maintain your child’s dental hygiene from our dentist

You know, and so do we, how the majority of children feel about dental care.


Indeed, unless it is introduced early in their lives (usually before the age of 1), many children may grow up not seeing dental care as important. Or, more worryingly, they may neglect their dental care in their younger years, which may lead to them needing to have more invasive procedures performed, reinforcing their concerns.

At Cannon Street Dental Centre, our dentist in London knows the importance of dental hygiene for children and is always on hand to have a discussion with parents about how they can ensure that their children are able to maintain a happy and healthy mouth.

So, with that in mind, what are some of the best ways to ensure that your children are maintaining their dental hygiene? Our dentist in London offers a short and easy-to-follow guide below.

Check that they brush twice a day

On paper, it is easy.

You simply ask your children if they have brushed their teeth and trust their answer.

But, according to our dentist in London, in many cases, you will need to oversee that they are brushing their teeth. One of the easiest ways you can ensure this is to stand with them and brush your own teeth.

This will help you to watch their brushing technique and be able to advise them on how best to ensure that all of their teeth are clean.

Flossing is a must!

When it comes to dental hygiene, flossing is a must.

And while we admit that it is not easy to teach children how to floss, the best way is by example. Gently show them how you floss your teeth and then ask them to replicate it. Flossing is vital for reducing the amount of plaque in the mouth, which can lead to cavities and gum disease. If your child or children are struggling with flossing, you can buy them interdental brushes, which are a bit easier to use and will not cause damage to the gums.

Limit carbohydrates

Children love sweets, but they are not the only potential culprit in the battle against tooth decay!

Limiting the number of chips, crisps, and starchy foods that your child or children have is one way you can reduce the amount of plaque accumulation, thus reducing the chance of decay.


Water is an overlooked super tool when it comes to keeping your child’s teeth and gums healthy.

Water washes away debris easily, contains no sugar, and also promotes saliva in the mouth, which is also important for getting rid of food debris and bacteria.

So, try to ensure that your children are drinking plenty of water each day.


You also need to ensure as a parent that your child or children see our team at least twice a year.

This will help us to look for signs of cavities and gum disease as well as orthodontic issues. We will always aim to make your child’s visits to our surgery fun, so they will grow up to associate dental care with being interesting rather than scary.