
The advantages of a beautiful straight smile

Over the last two decades there has been a significant rise in adults seeking orthodontic treatment to improve the appearance of their teeth. To meet the demands of this generation, who are more concerned with self-grooming as well as dental health than ever before, there has been much research and development in cosmetic dentistry which has seen the introduction and firm establishment of invisible orthodontics. Here at Cannon Street Dental Centre we understand how important it is to be happy with the look of your smile. The appearance of your smile can affect your self-confidence and prevent you from smiling as often, which can then have a negative impact on all aspects of your life.

Importance of orthodontics

Orthodontics at our dentist in Central London is involved in the treatment of crooked and

wonky teeth and aims to straighten your teeth to create a neatly aligned and symmetrical smile. Not only is a neat and symmetrical smile attractive to look at, but it also has a significant effect on your oral health. Crooked and wonky teeth are difficult to keep clean efficiently. This is because it is very difficult to clean in between the teeth and bacteria can build up in those hard-to-reach areas if they are misaligned.

Speak to your dentist in Central London to find out about orthodontic treatment to improve the aesthetics of your smile. Whether you have undergone orthodontic treatment when you were younger or this is the first time you have considered braces to improve your smile, your dentist in Central London will be able to explain all the different treatment methods that are available for you, according to your dental requirements and your personal preferences.

If you require extensive orthodontic treatment then you may wish to speak to your dentist about traditional orthodontic braces. These consist of brackets which are fixed to the surface of your teeth and wires which are joined to the brackets, that apply constant pressure to your teeth and pull them into the desired position.

If you are reluctant towards using these braces because of the visibility they present in the mouth, but you have extensive misalignment issues then we are able to provide you with ceramic braces. These work in exactly the same way as traditional orthodontic braces, however the brackets themselves are made of ceramic and the wires are either clear or tooth coloured according to your personal preferences. This means that you are still achieving the same results, but at your discretion. If you are still unenthusiastic about having fixed braces on the front surfaces of your teeth, then we can talk about lingual braces to address the aesthetic issues of your smile. These also work in the same way as conventional braces however they are attached to the backs of your teeth and therefore they are almost invisible from the outside. Speak to our dentist here in Cannon Street today and find out more about invisible orthodontics and how they can improve the appearance and health of your teeth.