
How to keep your teeth free from sensitivity; a guide from our dentist in Central London

Dental sensitivity can be caused by a variety of things, from eating acidic or sugary foods to drinking too many cold beverages. You could also be experiencing tooth sensitivity if you grind your teeth at night or have receding gums. In any case, it’s important to know the causes of dental sensitivity, so with the help of our dentist in Central London, you can take the necessary steps to correct the problem and enjoy life with a discomfort-free smile!


What is dental sensitivity, and what are the causes?

Dental sensitivity is a condition that can cause discomfort when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks. The root cause of dental sensitivity is the exposure of the dentin, which is the layer of the tooth directly below the enamel. When the dentin is exposed, it can lead to nerve endings being stimulated, which is what causes the discomfort. There are a number of things that can contribute to dental sensitivity, such as:

– Brushing teeth too hard

– Consuming acidic foods and drinks

– Using mouthwashes that are high in alcohol

– Smoking or chewing tobacco

How can you treat dental sensitivity and get relief from discomfort?

If you are experiencing dental sensitivity, there are various ways in which you can treat it in order to get relief from pain and discomfort. One way is to use toothpaste that is specifically designed for sensitive teeth. There are also mouth rinses available that can help to reduce sensitivity. Additionally, you could try using a softer toothbrush or brushing your teeth more gently.

What can you do to prevent dental sensitivity from occurring in the first place?

There are many things you can do to prevent the occurrence of dental sensitivity. One of the most important steps is to brush and floss your teeth regularly; this will help remove plaque and bacteria, which could otherwise cause tooth decay and gum disease, leading to dental sensitivity. You should also avoid consuming acidic or sugary foods as they can damage your teeth. Finally, make sure to see our team for regular checkups and cleanings; we can identify any potential problems early on and recommend treatment options if needed.

Sensitively reducing toothpaste and their effectiveness

Toothpaste that is designed to be less abrasive and more gentle on teeth can help reduce tooth sensitivity. Some kinds of toothpaste contain ingredients like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride that help to block nerve endings and provide relief from sensitivity. If you are looking for a toothpaste that will help reduce tooth sensitivity, be sure to ask our dentist in Central London or dental hygienist for a recommendation appropriate for you.

When should you see our team?

If you are experiencing any kind of dental sensitivity, it is important to see us as soon as possible. If left untreated, dental sensitivity can lead to further oral health problems. Our dentist in Central London can recommend various treatment options that can help provide relief from discomfort. We can also identify the cause of your dental sensitivity and help you take steps to prevent it from occurring in the future.