
How to make a visit to the dentist in City of London a positive experience

A dental appointment need not be an anxiety-ridden occasion that patients often dread. A dental practitioner who cares for their patients and practises a patient-centred approach to dental care, such as our friendly dentist in City of London at Cannon Street Dental Centre, can offer a positive and pleasant patient experience.


We acknowledge that there are uncaring dental practitioners out there who are responsible for the poor dental care experiences patients have to endure.

It is these unpleasant experiences and the fact that the dental environment can be a nerve-wracking experience for some that the prevalence of dental phobia has become such a concern today. Of course, there are ways to increase the likelihood that one is rewarded with a positive patient experience when visiting the dentist in City of London.

The first way is to carefully choose an oral healthcare practitioner. It is of critical importance that you choose a dentist in City of London with a reputation for a compassionate approach to patient care.

In this post, we take a look at a few useful tips you can employ to reap the full benefit of a dental visit.

Tips on how to get the most out of the dental experience

It is easy to forget in the heat of the moment to ask the dentist the questions you have thought of asking. A useful tip to get around this is to compile a written list of questions and concerns; in this way, you can be sure to have all pressing questions answered from a reliable source. Some of the most common questions we are asked by our patients include how to best brush teeth, how to stop grinding teeth and how to deal with tooth sensitivity.

On a visit to the dental clinic, make it a good practice to remember to update the dentist about your medical condition. Oral health often impacts or is impacted by medical conditions. It may also be a good idea to carry along a list of your prescription medications to hand over to the dentist to update medical records. This will help ensure the dentist prescribes the most suitable treatment plan to bring about optimal oral health.

Choose a dentist who makes you feel at ease. To receive the best dental care possible, the patient must be comfortable enough with the dentist to freely voice their concerns and needs regarding their oral health goals. It is only by having all the relevant information at hand that the dentist can find the most suitable solutions to deliver the desired results.

The patient can play their part, too, in bringing about a positive experience during their appointments. Researching the most effective ways to manage dental phobia will help them feel relaxed in the dental chair.

And it is always a good idea to find out how you can improve your dental health. Find out more on a visit to us at Cannon Street Dental Centre. A quick call to our front desk team, and we will find an appointment date convenient for you.